Hi all and welcome aboard the 339th edition of Carnival of Space. We will start this edition by honoring the 17 astronauts who have given their life to the American space program. On
January 27 1967 during a training for the first Apollo mission, less than a month before the planned launch, a fire in the crew cabin took the life of Virgil I. "Gus" Grissom, Edward
H. White and Roger B. Chaffee. The challenger disaster occurred on
January 28 1986 just 73 seconds after launch, taking the lives of Francis R. Scobee, Michael J. Smith, Ronald McNair, Ellison Onizuka, Judith Resnik, Greg Jarvis and Christa McAuliffe. On
February 1 2003 the Columbia disaster at the end of STS-107 mission, and in which Rick D. Husband, William C. McCool, Michael P. Anderson, Kalpana Chawla, David M. Brown, Laurel Clark and the Israeli astronaut Ilan Ramon died.
Dedicate a few moments in memory of these men and women in the
official NASA day of remembrance page.
Apollo 1, Challenger and Columbia Astronauts. Credit: NASA |
Back again to this week articles. We will start with our closest neighbor, the moon.
Dr. Paul Spudis shares his memories and knowledge as one of the investigators and researchers in
Clementine missions. A comprehensive article about the mission can be found in
Dr Spudis's blog. A summarized version can be found in
Air&Space magazine.
The next item from
CosmoQuest shows that even spaceships, orbiters, landers and such like to have some company from time to time. Read about the latest spacecraft imaging another spacecraft,
LRO take a snap of LADEE.
Another useful article from
CosmoQuest. What are some
great mobile apps for doing and learning astronomy? Here's
a list with a link to our recent Hangout on the subject. I already downloaded few of these great apps.
The Synergy principal is true everywhere and also in space - three are better than one. The
Urban Astronomer tells us about the
Frontier Fields program - an ambitious attempt to combine the power
of NASA's three flagship space telescopes (Hubble, Chandra and Spitzer)
to peer deeper into the universe than ever before and learn about the
structure of the first galaxies to form after the Big Bang.
Discovery News we learn about
vast rivers of Hydrogen flow into galaxies.
What's new on Mars?
Meridian Journal discuss two new photographs from Curiosity:
Dingo Gap and the ‘Firepit’.
The last three articles are from
NextBigFuture: Elon Musk thinks there are five innovations that will change our lives in the decades ahead:
- The Internet, an astonishing invention by which people can access knowledge from anywhere.
- The transition to the sustainable production and consumption of energy.
- The extension of human life to other planets, depending on how rapidly
we progress in developing space transport and how we live - if we manage
to survive -- by then.
- Reading and writing genetic code
- AI - artificial intelligence.
Make yourself some free time and watch the
videos of Elon Musk.
The discovery of water on Ceres arise many more plausible places for astrobiology research:
Unlocking the solar system by unlocking water in the asteroids.
And back to the moon on a future missions to find
exact location of water on the moon during 2018.
That's all for this, thank to all our contributors and readers. As always hosting the CoS is a pleasure.